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Mirkwood 2:47 Sun Sep 14
Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
I'm in Pattaya at the moment.
Young lad been arrested for 200 E's...

Not looking good for him at all.
His Dad lives here and has launched an appeal.


Russ in Thailand 5:33 Wed Sep 24
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand
Hello I'm Lance's Father, Russel Whitmore. Just to put a few facts into the ever growing story of rumors.

Lance has lived with me since he was 12 years old, travelling where ever my job in sales and marketing took us. It's I who own part shares in a restaurant here not Lance, just not enough to sell to cover his bail. Lance was in training as an engineer for work in the oil industry, which I've paid for all of his courses from only wanting the best chance in life for my son.

However, his life fell apart a few months ago. Within days, his Grand father died of lung cancer in the UK and then his Thai girlfriend, here, who he was engaged to died from meningitis. He flew back from the UK and sat by her bedside for two weeks, watching her die, holding her hand, hoping she would recover, she never did.

If any of you are married, just ask yourself, how would that affect you, watching your wife die?

Companies out here have very little sympathy for such circumstances, so he lost his job too. He never really got over any of this.

Then, One afternoon a friend called Jake asked him to go for a drink, Lance went. Jake had on him 200 e pills with the intention of selling them. Lance, stupidly involved himself by going. For legal reasons I cant go into more details here. I can only say they were both arrested.

Jake has since admitted in the official police report, that the pills from the arrest and 81 more the police found in his room later, were his alone and that Lance had nothing to do with them.

How many of you go out with your mates, do you always know what they are doing when you go out with them?

Guilty by association under the law here.

One of you posted that Thai jails are mild.... yeah right.

Lance is being held in Klong Prem Prison in Bangkok. Here he will stay till his bail in 81 days from being detained. I have been told it's 3 Million Thai Baht. It's a standard rate here at the moment. Innocent till proven guilty, nah, not here.

Lance is in a cell with 78 others, none of them speak English. There is no room for anyone to lay down to sleep. There's no clean water to wash with, only infectious Bangkok river water. The only toilet is a hole in the floor for all 78 prisoners to share. Reasons for not sleeping, 2 of the prisoners have been stabbed and are critical in the prison hospital since my first visit to see him. Lance, in six weeks, has developed an appendix problem, has skin mites and open skin infections. All of which I am trying to get them to allow Lance to see a Doctor. What of the UK Embassy, they are writing a "Polite"letter.

Prisons in the UK are a holiday camp compared to here.

Knowing a little bit more than rumors now, does a person deserve this? I'm not making excuses for his actions, he's a young man. Any human with any shred of humanity would say no and help. All I have left as a Father is asking for Help. I wish I didn't have to.
I hope the supports of West Ham can find it in your hearts to help me...


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

icwhs 6:59 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)

Hope they man bum him

Whufc06 6:58 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
Our prisons should be more like theirs. Would certainly make people think more before acting like cunts.

mike hunt 5:17 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
couldnt care less frankly, it's a fucking silly cunt that goes anywhere near anything that can get you banged up abroad, ignorance is no excuse

paolo 1:47 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
Yeah let's him serve it here at tax payers cost in our luxury hotels I mean prisons. Fuck him silly little prick.

eusebiovic 1:44 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
Natural Selection...innit?

, 12:39 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
I think that his sentence is excessive by any standards let alone ours. Maybe a deal can be worked out whereby he can serve the greater part of it in the UK. I'm sure it's been done before now.

ohgodno 12:31 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
You meet a mate one afternoon and he's got a 200 e's on him.

At the time of arrest there are 81 left.

You have failed to notice the person you are with sold 120 e's.

Assuming you are with him for 8 hours he has been banging out 1 e, every four minutes, the entire time.

You failed to notice this.

You probably haven't noticed you're in prison.

ohgodno 12:23 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)






collyrob 11:48 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)

AKA ERNIE 11:04 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
50 years with no parole good to see a country handing out proper sentences .

Don't be silly ern, 50 years is way too long. I think 5 years is long enough for a drug charge. This blokes life is over because he had some ecstasy tablets.

As others have said he'd get less time for fucking a child. I know which one I consider a worse crime

Marston Hammer 11:21 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
He would have got less time for raping kids.

Westham67 11:09 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
The problem is gents Thais don't get anything like those sentences . Probably get 7 years max. Even the big importers and I'm talking in the tens of Thosands would only get 10 years if that . as they are mainly Police and Army doing the major smuggling. The cunts were involved in the Human trafficking camps on the Thai Malaysian border , where people were held hostage and murdered , dont put anything past the Thai Police and Army

AKA ERNIE 11:04 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
50 years with no parole good to see a country handing out proper sentences .

stoneman 10:55 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
The usual bollocks being spouted out.

" He was set up "
" He was in a bad place "
" He is innocent "

Blah blah blah.

He was unlucky and he got caught and now he has to do the time and as for prison being inhuman well I think that's how prisons should be rather than the soft touch they are in the UK.

Mirkwood 7:15 Sun Jul 5
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)

The conclusion....


SilverSurfer 2:14 Fri Apr 3
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
This content is currently unavailable

Mirkwood 1:36 Fri Apr 3
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
Think the Thai police gave them a chance to pay him out.
When they didn't come up with the money they took it further.

There is another lad lad from same town as me in the same boat out here. God knows why they think they can get away with it here.

You pay in heavy coin if you are caught.

Westham67 2:47 Thu Apr 2
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
Is genuine enough , Thais kept it pretty quiet when he got nicked by the looks of it

On The Ball 2:42 Thu Apr 2
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
Actually there's more "We know he did wrong" in the article, which is a little different to the original post where he was totally innocent. They still think he deserves leniency though, which I suspect many of us won't.

Private Dancer 2:29 Thu Apr 2
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
Can't be arsed to open the link. Same old same old I ssume.

Russ of the BML 2:25 Thu Apr 2
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)
If you can't do the time don't do the crime.

Mirkwood 2:13 Thu Apr 2
Re: Young Lad Arrested for drugs in Thailand (inc post from kids dad!)

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